Genesis Homes can be built to meet the specifications of Fannie Mae’s MH Advantage® financing program. MH Advantage offers conventional financing terms for manufactured homes with features similar to those available of site-built homes.
Pairing our affordable, high-quality Genesis homes with MH Advantage will offer buyers beautiful designs, popular finishes, a seamless buying process, and financing terms they expect for a new site-built home.
MH Advantage features financing terms for your buyers such as:
- A down payment as low as 3%
- A 30-year fixed rate
- Lower interest rate, compared to traditional manufactured housing rates
- Mortgage insurance coverage comparable to site-built homes

What installation features qualify a home for MH Advantage?
To be eligible for Fannie Mae’s MH Advantage financing, a home needs to meet some construction and installation requirements. Our factories will certify their portion of the home, and the local builder and lender will need to assure the foundation, installation, and required site-work meets or exceeds the guidelines of the program, including.
A driveway leading to the home (or to the garage or carport, if one is present). The driveway must consist of blacktop, pavers, bricks, concrete, cement, or gravel. If the home does not have a garage or carport, the driveway can lead to a vehicular parking pad; AND
A sidewalk connecting either the driveway, or a detached garage or carport, to a door or attached porch of the home. The sidewalk must consist of blacktop, pavers, flagstone, bricks, concrete, or cement.
Interior has all features listed below:
- Drywall (tape and texture) throughout the home (including closets);
- Kitchen and bath cabinets with fronts of solid wood or veneered wood; AND
- Fiberglass, solid surface, acrylic, composite, porcelain/enamel coated steel, or tile for all showers and/or tubs in the home
Exterior siding is comprised of one or more of following – Fiber Cement Board, Hardwood Siding, Engineered Wood Siding, Masonry, Stone, Stucco, or Vinyl siding backed with Oriented Strand Board.
In addition to the above features, a home must have an MH Advantage sticker attached to it before it leaves the manufacturing facility. The sticker indicates to the lender that the home is eligible, and the lender will look for a picture of it in the pre-purchase appraisal documents.
MH Advantage Resources
Learn more about MH Advantage financing and requirements at